And the readers who fall in love with them the way I did when I was five years old and sitting in my bedroom with my dad’s tape recorder, recording stories on cassette tapes that would eventually be lost in the dozen or so times we moved.

What are *you* grateful for?

I’m thankful for readers who become so absorbed in your words that they have to send you a message and tell you their own story. Readers who fall in love

with characters to the point they are willing to fight for them and their happiness.

I am thankful for characters who teach me more about myself and humanity than any moment of self-reflection.

I am thankful for authors who believe in helping their fellow authors, not just to succeed, but to make it through the loneliness and self-doubt that comes with being a professional writer.

Thank you to everyone who has helped turned the past year into a literal dream come true for me.


To show my gratitude, anyone who comments on this post telling me one thing you are grateful for will be entered to win:

  • One of five autographed paperback sets of the entire Shattered Hearts series, or
  • One of five digital ARCs (your choice of Abandon or Black Box)

I’ll announce the ten winners on the blog on Monday. Happy Thanksgiving and/or happy weekend to you all!