Here are some simple answers to frequently asked questions. We hope you find what you’re looking for. If you have additional questions or suggestions for this page, please send them to us via the Contact page.


1. When is your next book coming out?

To find the release date for a particular book, check out the Coming Soon page.


2. What is the reading order for (insert series name here)?

The reading order for each series is available on each respective series: Shattered Hearts, Story of Us, Evergreen, and Unmasked. All my other books are stand-alones, and may be read in any order.


3. Do you only publish ebooks or do you also publish your books in print?

Yes, all my books are available in paperback at and Barnes &


4. Are you going to make a boxed set with all the books in your (___) series?

If a boxed set is not already available, the answer to this question is no. If you don’t know if a boxed set is available, please check my author pages on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, or Google Play.


5. Do you have signed books available for sale on your website?

Due to COVID-19, our online store has been paused. If/when we are ready to resume taking orders, you can find signed books and merchandise in my Shop.


6. Can I have an ARC (advance review copy) of your next book?

We are very sorry, but we’re not currently accepting ARC requests.


7. I'm an aspiring author. Do you have any advice for how I can succeed in the publishing world?

Work hard, write harder, study the market, and read a lot. You can find interviews I’ve done about writing and publishing on the Extras page.